Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

White Tailed Deer


As part of the John E. Pearce Provincial Park, the Backus-Page House Museum has a variety of wildlife that roams it's grounds daily. Even during the month of February we see winter animals regularly. A popular sight for us here at the museum would be the White Tailed Deer which run through our back field almost daily. Because we are a provincial park there is no hunting permitted, the deer must know that they are safe on our grounds because we have seen herds as big at 50+ at times in some of our surrounding fields. We have volunteers who drive in early in the morning to record sightings on the grounds as well as our staff which record sightings late in the evening before they finish their shift.
White Tailed Deer are named for their tails which have a white underside. This white area is clearly visible when the deer are sighted running because they flip their tails up.
The deer in our area enjoy the surrounding forest which serves for both protection against human interaction as well as severe weather. In the summer we regularly see one deer here and there. In the winter however, deer come together for survival and warmth during the cold winter months. Therefore, we see the deer in our area in great hoards - standing huddled together to survive.
For more information about the white tailed deer in Southwestern Ontario please visit:

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