Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Toolbox Tuesday - Hoof Knife

Hoof Knife

     A hoof knife is just one of many tools that is used by a farrier. A farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care including the trimming and balancing of horses hooves. Their job also includes that placing of shoes on their hooves. Farrier's are a combination of blacksmithing skills (making and adjusting of metal shoes) and veterinarian skills ( understanding the anatomy of the hoof) to care for the horses feet.
     Historically farrier's and blacksmith's were practically synonymous. In colonial America farrier's work included shoeing horses as well as the making and repairing of tools and the forging of agricultural pieces. In comparison, today farrier's focus their time on hoof care, and for this reason farrier's and blacksmith's are considered to be separate, although related, trades.
     A hoof knife is a strong, slightly curved knife with it tip turned in on itself to form a tunnel. The flat part of the blade is used to trim the bottom of the hoof wall and the curved part makes grooves or cut holes.

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