Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I Love the 50's!

Hello everyone, 

Sadly Catie has left us for the summer as she is going back to school. I will be taking over her Wednesday posts with interesting facts and information about the 50's! "I Love the 50's" will compare a different object or concept each week and will outline the difference between the 1850's and the 1950's.    To start off "I Love the 50's" is the love for skirts that were wore in the 50's! 

In the 1850's skirts were long and trailing. The typical shape of the skirt was bell shaped. The skirt had an interesting waistline as the fabric would have been gathered or pleated. Also, in the 1850's the hoop skirt began to gain popularity. The size of the hoop would vary depending on the occasion and the height of the woman. For example the hoops for day dresses would have been smaller then the hoops for evening dresses. The range of the circumference of the hoop was anywhere between 115 inches and 150 inches, of course taller women would have had a larger hoop in their dress. 

 Dress variations came into play in the 1950's. A couple examples of the variations were the pencil skirt and the poodle skirt. Women no longer had to feel as though they had to follow one strict fashion trend. The main focus of a 1950's dress was the waist line.  


Backus-Page House Museum

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