Friday, August 14, 2020

Foodie Friday - 100 Cups of Coffee

From a Tyrconnell Heritage Society book called 
12 Days of Christmas


Recipe given to Marion (Davy) Foreman by her mother Ida (Wilton) Davy.  Submitted by Laurine Foreman and Angela (Foreman) Bobier, daughter and granddaughter of Marion and granddaughter and great granddaughter of Ida.  Since Ida was an active member of the Wallacetown Women’s Institute it is quite probable that this recipe was used for meetings and also for serving customers at Davy’s Garage and Restaurant in Wallacetown. 

18 qts cold water
8 cups coffee
2 tbsps salt
1 tsp any mustard may be added

Put coffee into cheese cloth bags (double thickness).  Leave plenty of room for coffee to swell.  Fill about 1.4 full.  Soak bags in cold water to cover (be sure that the bags are well tied at neck with string, leaving enough string to tie onto handle of coffee pot.) And add salt.  Soak bags of coffee several hours (this soaking is done in a large kettle). 
Put 18 quarts of cold water into coffee maker, bags of coffee and the water they have been soaking in, gather up all strings and tie onto handle making sure all coffee bags are tied securely so that no grounds escape.  Add mustard.  Bring this to a boil and boil for 5 to 10 minutes.  Test coffee for strength, if not strong enough leave for a few minutes longer to boil.  Take out bags of coffee.  Into kettle that they were soaked in pour boiling water over them and this may be added to coffee in maker if required.  


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