Sunday, July 26, 2020

What's It Wednesday: Answer for July 22nd

If you didn’t see, last Wednesday we asked over on Facebook for people to try and identify this strange and unusual object.

And now that its finally Sunday, we can reveal everything we’ve learnt about this object so far!

As a reminder, this is a hollow metal object shaped into a cone with a solid ball at its end. The conical body extends further down on one side with a gentle curve and can be held easily in one hand.

This is a Hame Ball!

Hame balls are an ornamental ball which attach to the top of a hame. They are often made of brass but may also be made of malleable iron.

Next wednesday we will be posting another mystery object on Facebook for you to identify!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still in the dark. What's a 'hame?'