Monday, October 5, 2015

Memory Mondays- The Patterson Homeastead

In 1809. Colonel Leslie Patterson brought his family up to the Dunwich area from the United States and was one of the 4 founding families to settle here.  He was a captain in the Middlesex militia during the war of 1812-1814 and his home was heavily looted during this time.  It is a great building however, with secret compartments for hiding valuables, 2 doors in almost every downstairs room and a basement floor still of care earth.  This home was also the place where the first confirmation service of Elgin County was held and where the first post office in Dunwich was run.  None of Patterson’s sons wanted the farm, so his daughter and her husband, Lydia and Archibald Duncan, took up the task of farming the land.  In 1914, the house was purchased by Audrey and Alistair Littlejohn and their relatives continue to live there today.  Have a great week and take care! 

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